Dynamic Modeling of Sustainable Water Security Based on Water, Environment, Food, and Energy Nexus (WEFEN) in an Energetic Dark Greenhouse (EDG)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher, Energy Research Center (ERC), Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Energy Conversion, Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University

4 Associate Professor, Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Water, environment, food, and energy security are intertwined challenges to achieve sustainable development. The significance of this matter necessitates strategic and large-scale action for an outlook in various fields. The Water-Environment-Food-Energy nexus (WEFEN) approach, with a volumetric perspective, is a development model that drives the world toward sustainability. This approach is a solution to analyze the behavior of intertwined WEFEN parameters. Employing mathematical models in nexuses unravels the effects of parameters on the main components and their interactions in a dynamic system. In this research, based on the interactions between the main variables of WEFEN, the conceptual solution of the Energetic Dark Greenhouse (EDG) is proposed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis of each subsystem is crucial due to their mutual effects on other parameters. In this study, the dynamic modeling of the smart irrigation system in the EDG was conducted in a closed-loop system using Vensim® PLE 10.2.0 software. This modeling not only preserves the core concept of the EDG by reducing irrigation volume but also minimizes water consumption through environmental moisture condensation and the recycling of system waste. The results show that considering this method, 14.13% of water is supplied from the reuse of the entire network.


Main Subjects

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