Publication Ethics

"Ethical Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems Journal"

Regarding the ethical principles of article publication, the magazine, on the one hand, considers itself obligated to protect the rights of authors, authors, and content producers, and on the other hand, believes that it must protect the rights of its audience and readers. Therefore, in order to comply with this importance and in line with the international scientific community, the basis of its operation is the rules of ethics in global publication and it has based its policies on this basis.

According to the sustainable energy systems magazine, all the people who are involved in the process of publishing an article (author, magazine staff and referees) must accept the rules and ethical code of the magazine and act based on it. The publication follows the rules of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE). For full access to these guidelines, definitions and rules, you can refer to

Sustainable Energy Systems Journal, with the mission of selecting and publishing the best quality research in the fields of energy planning, management and engineering, energy conversion and storage, optimal use of energy resources, analysis and reduction of environmental pollution and creating sustainable energy systems Works. In order to achieve this goal, the ethical charter of the publication is designed to achieve the goal of building trust in the review and publication process. This charter outlines the journal's policies to ensure the ethical behavior of all participants involved in the process.

Ethical principles for Authors:

When an author submits an article to a journal, the article must be a new and original work. The submitted article, whether in whole or in part, in Farsi or any other language, must not have been previously published elsewhere or accepted for publication. Authors must express their original work and ideas clearly, even when the article is objectively rewriting and quoting from another author, these materials must be placed inside "quotation marks".

The article should specify the origin and authenticity of each data set used. Authors should not submit an article that has already been submitted to this journal, has been evaluated, and has been rejected by the editor after evaluation. If the initial version has already been rejected and the author wishes to submit a revised version of the article for evaluation, the justification for resubmitting the article must be clearly stated by the author to the editor of the journal. It is only under certain conditions that it is allowed to resubmit the article a second time.

Academic plagiarism: The registration of the article in the management system of the sustainable energy systems publication will be notified to all the authors of the article by sending an email. It is obvious that the inclusion of the authors' names in the article is their essential role in editing the article, if the authors of the article had no role in editing the article and their names have been misused, it is necessary to inform them immediately via email. All authors are responsible for the originality of the work. The right to evaluate plagiarism cases is reserved for the journal. Academic plagiarism has various forms, including:

  • Register another article under your name.
  • Copying or repeating significant parts of another article.
  • Designing the results of other people's research in your own name.
  • Repeated publication of articles by a single author in several publications.
  • Expressing false results and contrary to scientific findings or distorting the results of research.
  • Using invalid data or manipulating research data.

Double-blind review: The journal follows a secret two-way review process whereby authors, referees
They do not know and vice versa. Authors must respect the confidentiality of the evaluation process and not reveal their identity to the reviewers. For example, the article should not contain any self-disclosing information so that the reviewer can identify the author. Authors should not publish their submitted articles (including manuscripts and early drafts) on websites; Because on websites, authors should not name people as referees who they know have already read the article or its previous version and made their suggestions. Because this knowledge or awareness automatically violates the two-way secret evaluation process.

Accuracy: The authors are ultimately responsible for the content of the entire article submitted to the journal. The authors are committed to provide a detailed view of the research and objective discussion regarding the importance of the research. Authors should report their findings in full and should not omit data that is relevant to the context or structure of the research questions. Results should be reported regardless of whether they confirm or contradict expected outcomes. Authors should be especially careful in presenting properties or characteristics related to their research or their findings and interpretation. The fundamental assumptions, theories, methods, indicators and research plans related to the findings and interpretations of their work should be revealed and stated.

The article should contain enough details and sources, so that it is possible for other researchers to access the same data set to repeat the research.

If an author discovers an important mistake or inaccuracy in his work, he is obliged to quickly inform the editor of the journal and cooperate to revise or correct the article. If the author or publisher finds out from a person or a third party that the published work has a significant mistake. The author is committed to quickly review or modify the article or provide evidence to the editor, indicating the correctness of the original or primary article.

Co-authorship: All the authors of the article must have serious assistance and cooperation in the research and in front of the results