Idea generation and examination of environmental challenges of floating solar photovoltaic power plants on wetlands and its economic advantage for local communities

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


This article deals with floating solar photovoltaic power plants on wetlands and examines their environmental challenges and economic benefits for local communities. Due to the world's move towards renewable energy due to the negative effects of fossil fuels, FPV systems are presented as a suitable solution for areas with land constraints. FPV technology involves floating solar panels on water with a cooling effect, increasing productivity and reducing land use. This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of implementing FPV on wetlands, including reduced water evaporation and algal growth, along with challenges such as equipment corrosion and impact on aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the current study examines the economic implications for local communities and emphasizes job creation, skills development and economic stimulation through local industries and services. Despite the environmental concerns of the plan, such as disruption of aquatic habitats and possible loss of biodiversity, strategic planning and necessary actions can address these issues. This paper emphasizes the benefits of FPV systems in promoting clean energy and supporting local economies, and suggests the need for further research to optimize their integration into sensitive wetland ecosystems. At the end, a case study was carried out on the Maharlu wetland of Fars province for the proposed idea that with only 8.33% of the total area of ​​the Maharlu wetland, a floating solar power plant with a nominal capacity of 10.03 MW can be set up.


Main Subjects

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