Analysis of economic and environmental policies for global climate change and suggestions for Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Energy Engineering and Sustainable Resources, Collage of interdisciplinary sciences and technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


According to the forecasts, the highest amount of greenhouse gas emissions will be between 2025 and 2035. Global climate change policies to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement (not to increase the global temperature by 2 degrees), quickly affect countries, affect the economic growth of countries, shake the position of fossil energy and shape new trends in future energy technologies; Therefore, paying attention to the future of policies to deal with climate change is particularly important. In this article, the method of structural analysis with the Micmac method has been used for future research in this field, and the Delphi method has been used to collect experts' opinions about the influence of variables on each other. In this research, 22 factors were identified as key variables and the mutual influence of the factors on each other in different sections was investigated using Micmac software. Based on the analytical results, political factors will have the most impact in the future of climate change policies. In the next stage, it is the turn of scenario planning, and then the optimal strategies for Iran have been explained considering possible futures.


Main Subjects

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