Optimum planning of hybrid microgrid system connected to the grid using Homer software for Ahvaz city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Energy Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 School of Advanced Technologies, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Homer software acts as a tool for modeling and optimizing an energy production system based on renewable technologies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of different scenarios and optimize the best type of their use in accordance with the geographical data of the target area in the presence of different renewable sources of wind, solar and diesel generators in the presence of the main power grid. The necessity of using renewable resources is not hidden from anyone, but due to high fluctuations and dependence on weather conditions, these resources need to have a realistic analysis according to the conditions of each region in order to get the best performance from them. In this research, according to the meteorological data of the studied area, it has been tried to study the effect of using these resources in a microgrid optimally and objectively, and the calculations were done in such a way that the designed system can meet the load requirements of the studied area. To overcome the intermittency of renewable energy sources such as wind and sun, a combination of these sources was considered in a hybrid system. The data of solar radiation and wind speed required by the software were obtained from the meteorological website of the country and NASA and were used in the software. The results of the analysis of three scenarios including power grid/diesel generator, power grid/diesel generator/solar cell and power grid/diesel generator/solar cell/wind turbine show the prices of 0.579 dollars, 0.308 dollars and 0.431 dollars per kilowatt hour, respectively dollar showed. In these scenarios, the share of renewable energies was 0, 27.4 and 48.3 percent, respectively. The higher the price of diesel, the more the optimization software goes towards the use of renewable energies; Therefore, considering that the subsidy of energy carriers (fossil fuels) is high in our country, it is recommended that if this subsidy is reduced or allocated to the use of renewable energies, the use of renewable energies will increase. He will find that this issue will be very effective in reducing environmental pollution.


Main Subjects

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