Utilization of electric vehicles as energy storage with the purpose of increasing the profits of the owners and improving the reliability of the distribution system

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher, Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Renewable Energies and Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Today, the utilization of energy storage systems, especially in distribution systems, has a significant impact on improving the performance of the energy system, improving system reliability indicators, and reducing energy system operating costs. Therefore, using these utilities in the energy systems is advantageous. In this paper, the motivations for using electric vehicles as energy storage units are investigated. For instance, we can mention the effect of minimizing system costs from the load point of view. Moreover, in this paper, the effect of electric vehicles in improving the reliability indices, such as the Energy Not Served (ENS) and the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) has been investigated. In order to achieve this, a dynamic planning framework has been introduced in a distribution network with the aim of minimizing system costs. After applying the framework presented in the article and modeling the IEEE 34-node sample system, the simulation results show that the network operator improves the network reliability indicators by adjusting the electricity price in such a way that electric car owners can benefit. In this regard, the total amount of ENS of the system is reduced by 11% in centralized mode. Also, the SAIDI index is reduced by 85% in the centralized mode and by 51% in the distributed mode.


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